In June 2015, Kids Central’s achievements were acknowledged, as Kids Central became a 2015 Governor’s Sterling Award (GSA) recipient.
Based on the Baldrige Management Criteria, the Florida Sterling Council awards organizations demonstrating continued performance excellence, recognizing them as a role models. To be considered, applicants complete a lengthy self-assessment, implement continuous improvement strategies, benchmark and compare performance to nationally recognized standards, submit a comprehensive written application, and participate in an arduous on-site examination.
Over the course of four months, a team of GSA examiners from diverse educational and professional backgrounds evaluated Kids Central’s application, strengthened their understanding of Kids Central, reviewed outcome data and benchmarks, requested additional information, gathered supporting documentation, and compiled preliminary results based on the GSA Criteria. The process culminated with a five-day on-site review, during which examiners validated and refined their initial findings.
The award endorses the strength of the Florida Community Based Care model, but more importantly, it serves as a testament to the local continuum of services capable of achieving the best possible outcomes for children and families. Kids Central stands out not only as a role model among Florida’s Community Based Care Lead Agencies but also as the first Florida nonprofit human service organization to receive the GSA. Furthermore, Kids Central is the first child welfare agency in the nation to be awarded a state-level, Baldrige-based award.